Well I'm sick...and I'm having a hard time breathing...flipped and flopped in the bed like a fish out of the water. Wasn't happening...so I worked on my artwork.
I loooove clouds! I never painted detailed clouds before (maybe once...for my Raven and Crow animated film...)....I used the Bob Ross cloud brush and some other ones I found online. It was fun! <3
Oh and the happy trees are from a collection of Bob Ross photoshop brushes. (you gotta register...but it's free and the brushes rule) -->http://code404.nl/joomla/index.php?option=com_docman&Itemid=61
The mountains and water ....actually most of this background is from a poster I did for my film, Raven and Crow. I love the blues and greens of it <3 (http://animationut.com/ravenandcrow_concepts.html first two images in the gallery)